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General Information
Learning the laws regulating the use of firearms is a must for responsible ownership. Local regulations differ and laws vary from state to state. Citizens must check with the jurisdiction where the firearm is to be used.
In Oregon, the Sheriff and his staff are required to follow strict state guidelines when performing the necessary background checks for issuing Concealed Handgun Licenses. Due to the detailed nature involved with conducting these background checks, processing time can take up to 45 days. During the application process, the applicant will be asked to schedule an appointment for a New or Transfer Concealed Handgun License application.
Please read the requirements section below to make sure you have all the information required for applying for a Concealed Handgun License.
Type of Permit | Fee |
New Concealed Handgun License |
$115.00 |
Renew Concealed Handgun License | $75.00 |
Transferring from Another County (Not needing to renew) | $30.00 |
Transferring from Another County and needing to renew | $90.00 |
Requesting a Duplicate Concealed Handgun License | $15.00 |
Change of Address (within Benton County) or Change of Name | $15.00 |
- If you are applying for a NEW or TRANSFER license, you will be required to book a fingerprinting appointment. Fingerprinting is available on TUESDAYS, WEDNESDAYS AND THURSDAYS between 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM and 2:00 PM to 2:30 PM.
- Applications are processed within forty-five (45) days upon being received by the Sheriff's Office.
- Concealed Handgun Licenses are valid for four (4) years.
Gaining competency with firearms is like learning how to drive a car or fly an airplane. You need expert instruction and practice. There is no shortcut. If you are not willing to invest the time and effort to prove competency, then having a firearm and trying to use it can, in many instances, be more hazardous than any impending threat.
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Concealed Handgun License Requirements: must meet ALL requirements
Requirements for Applying for a Concealed Handgun License:
NEW Concealed Handgun License - If you cannot upload any required documents to the application, you MUST bring them to your appointment
- Handgun safety class certificate: If you did not attach the certificate to your online application, we want to see the original certificate (if it was mailed or given at the class) OR a printed version (if an online course was taken and certificate downloaded); or other documentation of competency in handgun safety as outlined in ORS 166.291(1)(a to f).
- Proof of residency: In Benton County by providing ONE of the following: current driver’s license, previous year’s state tax return, real property ownership in Benton County, voter’s registration card, or current rent/lease agreement. A state ID card does NOT meet the requirements.
- Proof of Citizenship: You must provide proof of citizenship: US
passport or passport card, birth certificate, Certificate of Naturalization, or INS documentation proof that you have applied for US citizenship (N-300, N-400 form). A permanent resident card, work permit, or legal resident alien card does NOT meet the requirement for citizenship. - If residency and citizenship documents do not contain a photo, an additional piece of Photo ID is required
RENEWAL Concealed Handgun License:
- Proof of residency: In Benton County by providing ONE of the following: current driver’s license, previous year’s state tax return, real property ownership in Benton County, voter’s registration card, or current rent/lease agreement. A state ID card does NOT meet the requirements.
- Your current/expired CHL.
- Passport style photo: Please provide a passport style photo to be used on your issued permit. The photo should follow the following guidelines:
- It should have full face,front view, eyes open.
- The background should be a plain and clear
- No hats, face-coverings, or sunglasses.
TRANSFERRING from another county:
- Proof of residency: In Benton County by providing ONE of the following: current driver’s license, previous year’s state tax return, real property ownership in Benton County, voter’s registration card, or current rent/lease agreement. A state ID card does NOT meet the requirements.
- Previous County’s CHL.
- Proof of Citizenship: You must provide proof of citizenship: US
passport or passport card, birth certificate, Certificate of Naturalization, or INS documentation proof that you have applied for US citizenship (N-300, N-400 form). A permanent resident card, work permit, or legal resident alien card does NOT meet the requirement for citizenship. - If residency and citizenship documents do not contain a photo, an additional piece of Photo ID is required
CHANGE OF ADDRESS within Benton County:
- Proof of residency: In Benton County by providing ONE of the following: current driver’s license, previous year’s state tax return, real property ownership in Benton County, voter’s registration card, or current rent/lease agreement. A state ID card does NOT meet the requirements.
- Current Benton County CHL.
- Proof of new name: court documents, marriage license or updated Oregon driver’s license.
- Current Benton County CHL.
Required Documents
- Completion of any hunter education or hunter safety course approved by the State Department of Fish and Wildlife or a similar agency of another state;
- Completion of any National Rifle Association firearms safety or training course;
- Completion of any firearms safety or training course or class available to the general public offered by law enforcement, community college, or private or public institution or organization or firearms training school utilizing instructors certified by the National Rifle Association or a law enforcement agency;
- Completion of any law enforcement firearms safety or training course or class offered for security guards, investigators, reserve law enforcement officers or any other law enforcement officers;
- Presents evidence of equivalent experience with a handgun through participation in organized shooting competition or military service;
- Is licensed or has been licensed to carry a firearm in this state, unless the license has been revoked; or
- Completion of any firearms training or safety course or class conducted by a firearms instructor certified by a law enforcement agency or the National Rifle Association.
For More Information, Contact:
Benton County Sheriff's Office
180 NW 5th Street
Corvallis, OR 97330
Phone: 541-766-6606 CHL office
Fax: 541-766-6011
Email: CHL@bentoncountyor.gov
For Technical Support, Contact:
Permitium Software
Email: help@permitium.com